The legal aspects of Egg Donation can be extremely complicated. For this reason, we have partnered with The Fertility Law Center P.C., a leading reproductive law firm. The Fertility Law Center P.C. will review with you all of the legal issues surrounding the Egg Donation, as well as draft your Embryo Donation Agreement.
Within a few weeks after you are officially matched with your donor, you will receive an email from an attorney at The Fertility Law Center P.C. containing the first draft of the Egg Donor Agreement. The attorney will work with you to schedule a mutually agreeable time to review the agreement. Most contract reviews are done by telephone conference call to make it more convenient for the intended parents. The attorney from The Fertility Law Center P.C. will walk you through each section of the agreement to make sure you understand the contract and will answer any questions that you may have. The attorney will also make any and all changes to tailor the agreement to your specific situation and desires. Once you are satisfied with the contract, The Fertility Law Center P.C. will forward the agreement to the donor’s attorney. The donor’s attorney’s fee will be paid from the funds that you have already deposited into the trust account. The attorney from The Fertility Law Center P.C. will review any changes requested by the donor’s attorney and negotiate the terms of the agreement until a final agreement is reached between you and your donor.
The Egg Donor Agreement process can occur simultaneously with the donor screening process at most IVF clinics. In most, but not all, cases, the contract is completed before the donor finishes her screening. The contract must be signed by you and the donor before your clinic will allow you or your donor to start injectable medications for the cycle.
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